Mark | Daily Reading Plan

Dig into the book of Mark over this nine week series.


Week One

DAY ONE | MARK 1:1-15

Why is it important that this famous baptizer (John) baptized Jesus (v 9-11)? What does it mean to you that Jesus was baptized, tempted (v 12-13) and then began his ministry sharing the good news of God (v 14-15)? How can you identify with the fact that Jesus was tempted in the midst of being obedient?

DAY TWO | MARK 1:16-28

How has Jesus called you? What has your response looked like? What can you learn from the response of the early disciples? Jesus “taught them as one who had authority” (v 22). According to this passage, what does the authority of Jesus look like and how did it ignite his fame? How do you view the authority of Jesus and how are you spreading His fame?

DAY THREE | MARK 1:29-45

What stands out most to you about Jesus’ character in these verses (his humility, his healing, his need for prayer, his view of people)? Maybe there are some specific words or phrases that stand out most to you? Which of those things would strengthen YOUR character? How could you potentially grow in those areas?

DAY FOUR | MARK 2:1-17

The paralytic and his friends were desperate to see Jesus. How did their need for Jesus cause them to act? What does that kind of desperation/need look like today? What does it look like for you?

DAY FIVE | MARK 2:18-28

Jesus was questioned about his DEFIANCE of some “important” rules and traditions... what was Jesus ultimately saying about them through his actions and response? How does Jesus’ view of rules and tradition encourage or challenge you as you look at why you do the things you do?


Week Two

DAY ONE | MARK 3:1-21

Which group of people do you relate to best? What do these verses tell you about Jesus’ ministry, leadership and how Jesus is calling and equipping you?

DAY TWO | MARK 3:22-35

What does this passage show you about Jesus’ character? After this confrontation, Mark talks about a visit from Jesus’ mother and brothers (v. 31-34). Jesus responds in an odd way after being told of their presence. What does Jesus’ response tell you about how he regards those who believe in and follow the will of God? What does it tell you about his regard for you? How does that encourage you, or what questions does it raise for you?


Jesus shared a parable about seed and then went into a little more detail while alone with the disciples. Initially, what do you understand about the seed (v. 3-8)? What do you think Jesus meant by “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you” and those on the outside won’t understand (v. 11-12)? Using Jesus’ explanation, how would you compare yourself to the seed (v. 13-20)?

DAY FOUR | MARK 4:21-34

Here Jesus mentions how silly it would be for one to hide a lamp under a bowl. It would be the same as us turning on a lamp and then covering it with a blanket. What use is the lamp or it’s light when it is covered? What is blocking your light? What are you concealing that needs to be revealed?

DAY FIVE | MARK 4:35-41

What “storm” have you been through where you questioned God’s motives and even his presence? What does this passage tell you about Jesus’ power and presence in the midst of storms? What have you learned about God from past experience that has better prepared you for future storms? What can you learn from this passage that may better prepare you for being in the midst of an overwhelming storm?


Week Three

DAY ONE | MARK 5:1-20

What has been your response to God’s work in your life? When have you desired to do one thing (stay where it’s comfortable) but Jesus called you to something bigger? What might that look like for you right now? How can you learn from this man’s response to Jesus’ request (v. 20)?

DAY TWO | MARK 5:21-34

Who or what do you put your faith in... yourself? Your job? Someone close to you? Or in God? How is that faith shown in your life? What are you willing to do to get close to Jesus/grow in your faith? What risks are you willing to take? How does your faith show your confidence of Jesus’ power?

DAY THREE | MARK 5:35-43

Obviously, Jesus said and did some things that could have been called “ridiculous”. What “ridiculous” word would you love to hear from God or see happen? What kind of faith do you have in His ability to say/do it? How have you boxed in Jesus with your idea of who He is and what He can do?

DAY FOUR | MARK 6:1-13

How can you keep the proper view of Jesus today and in the future so that your faith can continue growing? What kind of faith do you see in the disciples that they would follow Jesus’ calling to “take nothing”, go out in pairs and preach and heal with authority? If those ordinary men could leave everything and follow with faith, what may be holding you back?

DAY FIVE | MARK 6:14-29

How do you think Herod viewed John the Baptist? What is significant about the death of John the Baptist? How/why was Herod swayed into doing something that caused him such distress? What can you learn from Herod? How can you make sure to avoid the same mistake? Why is it important to set up boundaries and prepare for challenging, tempting times in advance? What have you learned from personal experience of times that you neglected to prepare for those times?


Week Four

DAY ONE | MARK 6:30-44

What is most impressive to you about this story? Be sure to take time to find something new... resist the temptation to view it as you always have if it’s very familiar to you. When you get to a statement that stands out to you, stop to think about it. What image does it give you of the disciples? Of Jesus? How does their example challenge or encourage you?

DAY TWO | MARK 6:45-56

The disciples had just witnessed the feeding of the 5000 and now had seen Jesus walk on water (and again the calming of a storm). Yet, “they had not understood... their hearts were hardened” (v. 52). When have you missed the message of Jesus because your heart was hardened?"


Here we see another defiance of tradition. Why might the washing have been so important? Why do you think the Pharisees got so upset? What is your response when you see others doing things differently than you have traditionally done/are doing? Re-read verse 7. What does it mean to you? What might you need to re-evaluate or change in order to be sure rules or traditions made by men aren’t overshadowing your love and devotion to God? Ask God to show you how you might be worshiping in vain.

DAY FOUR | MARK 7:14-23

What can you or should you be doing to better guard your heart? How might guarding your heart help protect you from worshiping in vain?

DAY FIVE | MARK 7:24-37

What image do you have of her? Her character? Her view of Christ? What can you learn from this woman for how to approach God in your prayer life? When is a recent time you have seen an amazing thing? How do these two stories of healing encourage your faith? How might they frustrate you (for example, you or someone close to you needs healing that you haven’t seen, etc.)? Take some time throughout your day to release whatever emotions today’s reading brought for you: excitement and awe - thank and praise Him... frustration and mistrust - tell Him, He can handle it... Challenge yourself to be honest. Take a chance on letting go.


Week Five

DAY ONE | MARK 8:1-10

What are you willing to sacrifice to follow Jesus? What is most comfortable that would be the most difficult to give up? What does that look like for you today?

DAY TWO | MARK 8:11-21

Take some time to list all the ways He has provided for you in the past and begin to make some connections with how remembering the past can help you trust God today (both with your life and/or the life of someone close to you). Think a little deeper: what did Jesus mean when mentioning the “yeast of the Pharisees”? How does that contribute to Jesus’ frustration with the disciples for still not understanding? What does it mean for you?

DAY THREE | MARK 8:22-9:1

Who do YOU say He is? Pray and praise Him for those things. How can you begin to step back and look for the big picture today? How can you release the things that are still a mystery to trust His big picture even if you can’t see the details.

DAY FOUR | MARK 9:2-13

Verse 7 is the climax of this passage. What do you think is the significance of this moment? What is the significance of what the “voice from the cloud”/God said? Jesus’ position as the Son of God seems to call for faith and obedience on the part of the disciples. What implication does that have in your life today? In what areas are you neglecting faith and/or avoiding obedience?

DAY FIVE | MARK 9:14-29

What steps can you take toward making prayer a part of your regular life?

If you’ve never “practiced prayer” and are wondering where to even begin, here is some help: PRAISE God for who He is to you and what He has done for you. Ask for His ultimate forgiveness and make a conscious decision to turn   from those actions (REPENT). Express any areas where you need His HELP today, this week, this month. Lift up the names of OTHERS who are in need of God’s healing, grace, mercy, hope, etc. Acknowledge God’s abiblity to EQUIP you with whatever you need to face today.


Week Six

DAY ONE | MARK 9:30-50

What do the verses cause you to think about? What picture does it give you of the disciples? Of Jesus? How is it challenging you to make a change? Maybe you need to focus less on yourself and more on the bigger picture God is trying to reveal to you... Maybe you need to be more accepting of those who do things a little differently than you... Maybe you need to change your view of sin to be more in line with how Jesus views it...

DAY TWO | MARK 10:1-16

How does your view of marriage line up with God’s intention for a husband and wife? Take some time today to pray for marriages: yours (current or future), the marriages of friends or family, the marriages of your church or community. Pray also about your personal view/definition of marriage.

DAY THREE | MARK 10:17-31

What was this man asking Jesus? If you ask God what to do in order to grow in your faith and obedience, what might His response be? What propels you toward or holds you back from taking any next steps of faith? Why? What should you do?

DAY FOUR | MARK 10:32-45

Jesus predicted His death to the disciples before in 8:31-9:1 and 9:31-32. Why do you think He did it again (v. 32-34)? What would you have been thinking/feeling if you were one of the disciples? How might this have been difficult for you to understand and accept? What do you think of the boldness of James and John’s request in verse 35? What do you think of Jesus’ response? How would you have felt if you were one of the other disciples, hearing about this conversation (v. 41)? Again Jesus reminds the disciples that their focus is off-center. What does Jesus say is most important? How might you need to re-center your focus to be more in line with Jesus?

DAY FIVE | MARK 10:46-52

What stands out to you from this passage? Bartimaeus knew who Jesus was and called Him by name. When others became annoyed and told him to be quiet, he merely grew louder and more insistent. What does this show you about Bartimaeus’ faith? What can you learn from him?


Week Seven

DAY ONE | MARK 11:1-14

Can your faith be fickle at times? Have you praised him one day and then blamed him the next? Think back to an example and why your faith may have waivered. Have you ever said one thing while believing and living another? Why? What steps can you take today toward more constant faith and obedience?

DAY TWO | MARK 11:15-33

Jesus commands His disciples to have faith (v. 22-25). Faith has the power to move mountains (v. 23 and Matthew 17:20)! The creator of the universe will answer the honest and humble prayer that is said in faith. Do you believe that? What hesitations do you have? Who do you need to forgive and truly release from whatever you have been holding against them? Spend some time in prayer today about forgiveness: how you have forgiven and how you need to be forgiving. Ask God to reveal any areas where you need to make some changes and that He would give you the strength and courage to do so. (Remember, there’s power in prayer...)

DAY THREE | MARK 12:1-17

Do you think that there are things that God is “renting” to you now? What are they? How do you care for them? What connections can you make to this passage? What is standing out for you to learnTake some time to pray about how God wants you to view, use and give your money. How can you honor God with your cash?

DAY FOUR | MARK 12:18-34

What do you think Jesus is trying to teach in verses 18-27? Why do you think it is meaningful for us to read and understand this principle? What does it cause you to think about? What does it truly mean to love your neighbor as yourself? Pray about what you can be doing and begin to make a list of a few simple, attainable goals to help you better live out the greatest commandment.

DAY FIVE | MARK 12:35-44

If the emphasis isn’t on what we give God or even the amount, what is it that God is wanting? He not only looks at what we give but also what we are holding back examine your heart.


Week Eight

DAY ONE | MARK 13:1-23

Re-read verses 1-2. What do you think Jesus is trying to say to the disciples? How have you fallen for what looks good on the outside over what is truly good on the inside? How have you worked harder on your personal image than on your heart? How can you/do you take heed to not be drawn away from Christ and your duty to Him? What do you think has the potential to do just that (look at what may have drawn you away in the past)? Pray for discernment for today and the days to come.

DAY TWO | MARK 13:24-37

Close your eyes and imagine what you just read. (Read again if you need to.) Really try to picture it. What do you see? How do you feel? How do you picture Jesus in that moment? Is it beyond your imagination? How? What urgency do verses 32-37 stir within you? How are these verses encouraging? How are they challenging? Are you ok/comfortable with some mystery? Why or why not? Why do you think “that day or hour” (v. 32) is kept a mystery? What does that mean for you?

DAY THREE | MARK 14:1-26

Why was what this woman did of such importance? What can you learn from her? What is interesting about the timing of this precious moment to you (hint: v. 1-2 and v. 10-11 are the bookends to this story of a woman honoring Jesus)? What have you been offering Jesus? What are you offering Him today? Taking of the Lord’s Supper is a common ritual in churches. How does this story give understanding to the meaning of that ritual? How does reading this passage (v. 12-26) give depth to your meaning/understanding of the Lord’s Supper both then (for the disciples) and now (for you)?

DAY FOUR | MARK 14:27-42

What impresses you most about this passage? What do you find most challenging? How has what you have read going to make an impact in your day? In your week? In your faith?

DAY FIVE | MARK 14:43-65

How does this passage change or enhance your view of Jesus and His purpose?


Week Nine

DAY ONE | MARK 14:66-72

Do you, like Peter, ever lose your temper when you are under pressure? How do you deal with being found out when you have lied or tried to cover something up? How do you deal with recognizing failure (or do you simply ignore it)? How can you improve in these areas? What can you learn from Peter?

DAY TWO | MARK 15:1-20

In the end of this section we see Jesus being mocked. The guards are spitting on Him and ridiculing Him.  Our Savior, the Creator of the world, was willing to be tried and humiliated (and ultimately put to death) for you. What does that make you think about? How does it make you feel? What are you willing to go through for Him? His willingness to be humbled for our sake should change the way we live today. What does that/should that look like in your life?

DAY THREE | MARK 15:21-47

Take some time to really think about today’s reading. What are you tempted to go back to? What are you tempted to hold on to because it feels safe and comfortable? If you are unsure, take some time to pray Psalm 139:23-24. If/when you find something you need to give up (and leave on the cross), pray about all you have read today. Ask God to give you the strength to move forward, to accept the grace he has lavished on you and live in the mercy of His love.

DAY FOUR | MARK 16:1-13

Think about it... If Christ didn’t rise from the dead, how much of your life would be wasted? Would it be a couple hours on Sunday morning? A few minutes before meals? 15 minutes in the morning? Whatever time you have spent related to Christ would be a waste if this were the case. How much of your time is that?  But, if Christ is alive, then all time spent without Him is a waste. Knowing He is alive, is your life like Paul’s, full of things that are Christ centered? Or is it full of things that are futile?

DAY FIVE | MARK 16:14-20

How have you been encouraged as you’ve learned more about the character and life of Jesus and the disciples?