2023 Vacation Bible School
Camp Kilimanjaro
June 26-29, 2023
6:00-8:00 PM
Our 2023 VBS Theme is “Camp Kilimanjaro: An Epic Expedition Through Proverbs”. The VBS curriculum is provided by Answers in Genesis and every night the children will learn the importance and power of the choices that they make each day. To make good choices, the children will learn the importance of wisdom that God provides. As they safari up Mount Kilimanjaro, your trekkers learn that true wisdom comes only from the one true all-wise God, who wants us to be wise! And He's filled the book of Proverbs with wise sayings for us! As they study Proverbs, your hikers will learn to have
ears that hear and do the Word of God.
hearts that trust in the Lord;
tongues that are tame;
hands that get to work;
feet that walk with the wise!
Our goal is to create a safe environment where kids experience positive life changes.
Mission Project: Once again we will be collecting items to be included in the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox outreach. The items that will be collected will be school supplies including pencils and erasers. We will also be accepting personal hygiene items such as soap, wash cloths, and toothbrushes.
Prizes: The VBS attendees can earn points for prizes all week by learning memory verses and bringing a visitor.
Memory Verses:
Monday - Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may be wise. Proverbs 19:20
Tuesday - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
Wednesday - Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21
Thursday - Commit your works to the Lord. Proverbs 16:3
BONUS VERSE - He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed. Proverbs 13:20
On Thursday night, we invite all parents, guardians, siblings, etc to stay and see what we have learned through the week. We will have hot dogs and snacks at the conclusion.
To register please contact Pastor Brad at 717-756-9998 or bhatter26@gmail.com.
2021 Vacation Bible School
Ocean commotion: Diving into Noah’s Flood
Our 2021 VBS was Ocean Commotion. Every day our kids were challenged to stand for God in their schools, among their friends, in our culture.. no matter what. Noah experienced the same challenges during the time of the great flood thousands of years ago. Yet, by God’s grace, he was able to stand for God.
2020 (At Home) Vacation Bible School
Walking with Jesus
New Life EC Church of Herndon would like to invite you to have your very own VBS at home!
Here is how At Home VBS will work:
Pastor Brad will has a special message just for you on our Facebook page and seen below!
Day 1
Jesus Walks on Water
Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:22-32
Song: “Walk on the Water” by Britt Nicole
Play with your Parents: Water Bucket Game (Split into two teams. Each team/person transfers water from a full bucket of water into the empty bucket using a sponge or cup.)
(At Home) VBS - Day 1: Jesus Walks on WaterPosted by New Life E.C. Church on Monday, August 31, 2020
Day 2
Walking through Temptation – The Full Armor of God
Scripture Reading: Luke 4:1-13 and Ephesians 6:10-18
Song: “The Full Armor of God” by NewSpring Worship
Play with your Parents: Dark, Dark, Light (You play this game just like Duck, Duck, Goose.)
(At Home) VBS - Day 2: Walking Through Temptation - the Full Armor of GodPosted by New Life E.C. Church on Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Day 3
Never Walk in Darkness
Scripture Reading: John 8:12 and Psalm 89:15
Song: “This Little Light” by Tommy Renfro
Play with your Parents: Obstacle Course (Set up obstacles in your yard or living room. One person is blindfolded or has their eyes covered while another person leads/talks them safely through obstacles. Then switch. )
(At Home) VBS - Day 3: Never Walk in DarknessPosted by New Life E.C. Church on Tuesday, September 2, 2020
Day 4
Jesus Walks to Calvary and into Life Everlasting
Scripture Reading: Luke 9:23 and Mark 15:21-27, 33-39, 16:1-7
Song: “In the Garden” by Brad Paisley
Pray with your Parents: “Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and I need you to save me. Thank you for dying on the cross. Because of this, I am forgiven. I want you to be the leader of my life. Help me live my life for you and walk with you. Amen".
(At Home) VBS - Day 4: Jesus Walked to Calvary and into Life EverlastingPosted by New Life E.C. Church on Thursday, September 3, 2020
2019 Vacation Bible School
Adventures in the REIGNforest
June 15, 2019 | 9am-3:30pm
Ages Pre-K - 6th Grade
Thank you to all of the families who allowed their kids to spend the day with us. We had a wonderful time!