Flood Warning

As I sit to type up the weekly blog for the website, we are getting significant rainfall on top of the snow that we had on the weekend of January 6/7. Flood warnings are all over our area. While we pray against flooding that will cause damage to our houses, one thing that we can be certain of is that the rain will eventually stop, and the ground will dry.

We know this because in Genesis 6 we see the great flood in which God allowed it to rain for forty days and nights. The flood was permitted because, “The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” God’s patience had run out and judgment would be carried out. We would agree that the world in which we live today is filled with as much if not more evil than it was in the days of the flood. People are continuing to rebel against God and want nothing to do with Him.

Just as His patience wore out and the flood came, so His patience will run out and judgment will once again be carried out. While God is just, He is also full of grace and we see this in the flood as well. While the intention was to destroy everything that had the breath of life in it, the Bible tells us that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord and so God would spare Noah and his family. We know the story of the ark and how God provided for Noah, his family, and the animals that they took with them.

God is still in the business of grace. He offers grace through the suffering, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. All who put their faith in Him and believe in Him as their Lord and Savior receive this grace. Receiving the grace of God by receiving Jesus into your heart guarantees that, just like Noah, you can escape the judgment of God when it is rendered against those who continue to resist and reject Him.

Maybe you have been the recipient of the grace of God and your life has been changed by Christ. Who is someone with whom you can share your Jesus story and tell about the grace of God as it has been given to you? Have a blessed rest of your week and Lord willing, we will see you on Sunday morning.