
At the time of this writing we are a day away from Thanksgiving. I have long felt that Thanksgiving has been reserved to a season of the year or a day of the year. This perspective came out in the theme that we have looked at during the three Sundays leading up to this day.

Not to make excuses, but in a way, our society conditions us to not be thankful because the society is always reminding us of what we don’t have or what we need to find satisfaction in our lives. The morning routine in our house is that when the children wake up, they need to eat breakfast, brush teeth, and get ready for the day. If they cooperate they are permitted to watch one of the children’s shows on television. Inevitably, what happens is a commercial comes on promoting to the newest toy. The immediate response from our children is, “I want that!” I immediately look at everything they already have and think they don’t need one more thing.

The challenge that we have as parents and as followers of Jesus is to instill a perspective of thankfulness into the lives of our children. We have to be intentional in reminding our children of all that they have been blessed with but also remind them that it is not about the toys. We must remind them of what is important which is a warm house, food on the table, clothing on their backs, a family that loves them and most importantly a God that loves them and has provided everything that they and all of us need in Jesus Christ.

A question to consider today is this. If God never gave you another thing for the rest of your life, would you have enough to give thanks to Him on everyday of the year? The answer to that question for all of us should be the same and it should be a resounding yes. He has given us everything that we need for an abundant life now and an eternal life spent with Him. He has rescued us from the consequences of our sin and from the eternal separation that each of us were destined for apart from Christ. This is reason enough to be thankful, not just during the month of November or the fourth Thursday of November, but every day of the year.

Happy Thanksgiving and may the Lord continue to lavish His love and blessings upon your life.